Onsite Workshop on Human Advancement On "Teacher-Student Relation Especially in Pandemic”On August 27, 2021 NIHAR organized an on-site Workshop on “Human Advancement: On Teacher-Student Relation Especially in Pandemic” for the school teachers. Most Revered Bhaktiprana Mataji, the President, Revered Amalaprana Mataji, General Secretary, and Revered Jnanadaprana Mataji, Asst. Secretary of Sri Sarada Math gave their blessings and prayers via video clippings.
The pictorial biography of Sister Nivedita - "ONE BURNING LOVE" book was published and left open for sale.
The workshop was duly started with vedic chanting by Sanyasinis of Sri Sarada Math and it was mostly attended by the teachers of RKSM Sister Nivedita Girls’ School. Following COVID protocol total participation was kept restricted to 30 persons only. The entire deliberation focused on interactive pedagogy to deal with different real-life challenges encountered by the participants in the teaching-learning process in recent new-normal situation. It illustrated the power of soft-skills like empathy and compassion realized through change in mind-set to understand other’s perspective in improving both intra and interpersonal relationships. The workshop ended by collecting feedback on the entire experience and suggestions for future improvements.